Online Dating: What’s The Best Response When A Girl I Am Meeting For Drinks Asks About How Many Other Dates I Have Planned With Other Girls?

Ever since you matched with her on an online dating site, you have been looking forward to meeting her.

Online Dating: What's The Best Response When A Girl I Am Meeting For Drinks Asks About How Many Other Dates I Have Planned With Other Girls?That reality got that much closer to fruition when she agreed to meet you for drinks.

Since then, she has asked you about how many other dates you have planned with other girls between now and the date that you have planned with her.

You don’t know what to say to this.

There is a fear that if you respond with something that she doesn’t like, she calls off the meeting for drinks.

Having been where you are at, in terms of a match from the past that asked me a question along the same lines, the trepidation that you feel in how to go about responding to this question feels all too familiar.

Notwithstanding, you mustn’t get too caught up on how to respond to what she asked you.

She asked you about how many other dates you have planned with other girls because she wants to get an idea on what her competition is.

Girls are competitive when they believe that a guy is worth their time.

She is assuming that you have a number of dates planned with other girls between now and the date you have mutually agreed upon to meet for drinks.

Her reasoning has everything to do with the reality that she was attracted to your dating profile, and has enjoyed the subsequent conversations she has had with you since matching.

It makes sense to her that there would be other girls who have been as positively impacted by your dating profile and personality as she has been.

To this end, don’t be shy about telling her the truth.

If you have several dates planned before your date with her, respond with that.

What you are likely afraid of in giving her this response is that she will be turned off.

Turned off in learning that you have several dates planned with other girls before the date you have planned with her to meet for drinks.

Don’t be afraid.

She already suspects that given how attractive and charming you are, there are bound to be other girls who want to meet you too.

Remember, you met each other on a dating app.

She is fully aware that there are lots of people on dating apps simultaneously going out on dates with multiple matches.

It isn’t unfeasible that she has been doing this too.

For all you know, she is currently going out on multiple dates with multiple matches, and you are the newest addition.

Thereby, she is no one to judge if you were to tell her that you have several dates planned with other girls leading up to the date you have planned with her to meet for drinks.

Knowing that you are meeting these other girls, elucidates the requirement she bring her A game when she meets you for drinks.

On the flip side, there is a possibility that you have no plans to meet other girls on dates between now and the date you have planned with this girl to meet for drinks.

The fear in giving her this response is that she will think you are a loser who isn’t getting matches.

This fear isn’t warranted.

If you don’t have any dates planned with other girls, she will count herself lucky and merely assumes that other girls have somehow missed out on a gem.

Given that she doesn’t know your dating history, she won’t instantly assume that you are a loser with girls.

The only knowledge she has of you is what she has learned about you from a dating app.

To this end, she won’t believe it prudent to instantly make a judgment that you aren’t appealing to women, on account of not having any other dates planned with other girls from a dating app.

She doesn’t know you well enough to make that judgment.

Now that you have this comprehension, respond to her question without fear.

Whether you have several dates planned with other girls or not, she won’t be turned off by your response.