Online Dating: Why Do Men Set Up A Date And Then Stop Texting?

Online Dating: Why Do Men Set Up A Date And Then Stop Texting?

Sometimes, men just want to be sure that you are an option.

It can be baffling when a guy that you have been connecting with so well on an online dating site sets up a date with you and then stops texting all of a sudden.

It can make you wonder whether the last few days or weeks that the both of you were communicating was nothing more than an illusion.

However, it wasn’t an illusion.

There were great conversations that happened over text that probably lasted for hours at a stretch.

There was laughter, teasing, flirting, goofiness, giddiness, etc.

Everything just felt so right.

The texting chemistry was so good that you found yourself fantasizing about what it would be like to actually go out on a date with this guy.

Would it be as much fun as the text conversations have been?

You probably believed that it would and simply couldn’t wait until he would ask you out on a date.

Well, he eventually did.

He set up that date and sounded excited about it too.

So were you.

You started looking forward to it and what it would be like.

You may have even felt a degree of nervous energy.

However, you were still excited about the prospect of meeting him in person on this date.

Then, the unthinkable happens.

He stops texting.

You had gotten so used to the texts that you had probably come to expect them.

You would get excited every time you got one from him, knowing full well that it would be something that would make you feel good.

Now, the texting has stopped and you are completely stumped.

Again, there are some men who will set up a date because they want to know that you would be willing to meet them on a date.

However, setting up a date with you doesn’t mean that he is actually intent on making it happen.

He wanted to know whether you would agree to it.

There is a good chance that he was talking to other girls while in the process of talking to you.

You were never his number one option in terms of who he wanted to take out on a date.

You were probably not even in the top three.

However, you were an option.

In agreeing to the date that he set up with you, he knew that your interest in him was real.

However, he stopped texting you because he knew that you would be looking forward to a date that he wasn’t willing to follow through with.

Again, you were never his first option.

When you agreed to the date, there is a good chance that he had other girls of much higher priority that he was also trying to set up dates with.

He wasn’t entirely certain that they would come through.

Thereby, he made sure that he set up a date with you just in case none of them followed through.

Some of them most likely did come through and he decided to apply all of his attention on them as opposed to following through with the date that he had set up with you.

Men who are online dating do this all the time.

They will try to set up a date with multiple women because they don’t really know who will agree to one and follow through.

There is always a hierarchy of preference.

If the girl that they are the most interested in agrees to the date and follows through, they can easily stop texting a girl who was lower in their list of romantic priorities.

Unfortunately, you may have been that girl.

Now that he knows that you would agree to a date with him, he knows that you are an option, albeit, one that he would only take advantage of if preferential options are not working out.

He obviously doesn’t want to explain what he has been doing behind the scenes all along.

Texting you and letting you know that you were just an insurance policy would make him look bad.

It is easier to just stop texting you.

However, be warned.

If things don’t work out with the current girl or girls that he is most interested in, he just may start texting you again in order to ascertain whether you are still an option.

Don’t reply to that text.

If you do, he will put you through the same cycle all over again and you will be left feeling used and still without a date.