Why Do Most Women Have A Habit Of Being Poor At Communication On Dating Apps?

Why Do Most Women Have A Habit Of Being Poor At Communication On Dating Apps?

You have been a victim to this on dating apps.

There is a match.

You message her, excited, looking forward to an introduction and hopefully, a great conversation.

She either doesn’t reply, or she replies a few times before ghosting.

It befuddles you why she would match with you in the first place and yet be so lackadaisical in responding, if she responds at all.

True, women do have a habit of being poor at communication on dating apps.

The million dollar question is why they are like this when they choose to match with someone.

Well, women have a ton of dating options on dating apps.

Just because she matches with you doesn’t mean that she is eager to get to know you.

There was something about your dating profile that she liked, but that doesn’t make you special.

She is already talking to several guys on the dating app and a few of them are having great conversations with her.

After she has exchanged a few messages with you, she knows the tenor of the conversations.

She makes a judgment.

Does she continue to message with you or let you go?

Within the first few messages with a man, a woman already knows whether she likes his energy.

She senses it in how assertive he is.

She stops messaging you when she makes the decision that you aren’t assertive enough.

There are several men she is having better conversations with and she prefers to keep those conversations going over the one she is having with you.

When she doesn’t respond at all to your first message, she is indicating that she has you on the back burner.

In matching with you, there was clearly something about your dating profile that she liked.

That doesn’t indicate that she intends to have a conversation with you right from the get-go.

Women often put most of their matches on the back burner.

They are already engaged in conversation with several men and are at their limit in terms of who they want to be having active conversations with.

Should she be in a situation where she is no longer having good conversations with a number of these men and they fall off her radar of desirability, she returns to her old matches to see whether there are men she is now interested in instigating a conversation with.

This is what a lot of women do on dating apps.

They receive so many matches that they are compelled to put several of them on the back burner and sometimes come back to them when they have had conversations and dates with other men that didn’t work out.

It never feels good to be ignored and placed on the back burner, but this is the nature of dating apps.

This behavior gives women a reputation for being poor at communication on dating apps.

When there is so much attention directed at women on dating apps, it’s inevitable that many of them will behave like this.