Why Do People Use A Picture Of Themselves With An Ex As Their Primary Dating Profile Picture?

Why Do People Use A Picture Of Themselves With An Ex As Their Primary Dating Profile Picture?

It’s baffling to see someone use a picture of themselves with an ex as their primary dating profile picture.

There is an instant curiosity centered on whether the person is over that ex.

Supposing he isn’t over that ex, why is he on a dating app in the first place?

You are turned off when you see a dating profile in this vain.

Sometimes, you give him the benefit of the doubt, especially when he is cute.

You tell yourself that the woman next to him might be a sibling or a platonic best friend.

You make yourself believe that he wouldn’t be that stupid.

Surely, he knows that posting a picture of himself with an ex as his main dating profile picture makes him look insensitive and clueless.

But, you have spoken to some of these guys and have later confirmed that he was indeed using a picture of himself next to an ex as his main dating profile picture.

It has you scratching your head wondering what the logic is behind doing this.

Take a look at the rest of the pictures he has on his dating profile.

Guys aren’t known to take lots of pictures of themselves.

When some of them sign up on a dating app, they grab whatever pictures they can find.

In observing that he doesn’t have a whole lot of pictures on his dating profile, there are good odds he used the picture of himself with an ex as his primary picture based on a scarcity of pictures in his collection.

Additionally, a guy is going to use a picture he believes he looks his best in.

Although he is next to an ex, he believes that this picture is the best one out of the meager selection of pictures he has in his collection.

Ergo, he uses it.

A number of these guys make an attempt to have some decency by either blanking out the face of their ex or cropping it out.

Others don’t have any decency whatsoever and post the picture as is.

Regardless, every one of these guys aren’t putting forth legitimate effort into their online dating excursion.

A guy who is taking online dating seriously puts out the effort to get out there and take quality pictures of himself to use as his dating profile pictures.

His dearth of effort is a sign that he is most likely not going to put in that much effort into courting any match properly either.

There are guys who use a picture of themselves with an ex as their primary dating profile picture with the idea that doing this makes them look good to potential women.

He has the impression that women respond to men who look like they attract women.

In using a picture that has his ex next to him, he is hoping he sends the message to women that he is capable of attracting women and that he has had girlfriends in his past.

It sounds asinine, but a lot of guys think like this.

He believes that posting a picture of himself next to an ex gives him social proof.

He has taken it too far in using this methodology on a dating app.

It’s no surprise he struggles to get matches.