As A Woman, I’ve Had No Luck Using Dating Apps?

As A Woman, I've Had No Luck Using Dating Apps?

As a woman, you do have a far higher probability of receiving matches on dating apps than men do.

This is a given, as long as you look halfway decent.

Having no luck in using dating apps in your case is probably in reference to not finding men you are actually attracted to.

And, when it seems like you have finally found a guy you are attracted to and compatible with, he doesn’t commit and next thing you know, he is out there dating other women.

With women on dating apps, the majority of their complaints have to do with the quality of men they see on dating apps, as opposed to whether they are receiving matches or not.

Assuming you are just as picky on dating apps as you are in real life, the men you desire are in the one percent of men.

This means that hoping to match with them on dating apps and having them be faithful to you is a tall order.

You have probably gone through aggravating ordeals with a few of these men.

Several of them had the nerve to lie to you, telling you that they are on dating apps in search of a serious relationship.

You believed them and lived to regret it.

Once they got what they wanted from you, they ghosted you, having the gall to tell you that they don’t think they are ready for anything serious.


Now he tells you, after lying to you in the first place, leading you on.

What a complete waste of your time and emotions.

Going through this over and over again with men on dating apps has left you feeling like you simply have no luck.

It’s not like you don’t vet these guys.

You do.

You look them up on social media.

You do everything in your power to confirm that he is someone you can trust.

Many a time, these guys are legit.

At least as far as their lives on social media.

You don’t see any obvious red flags.

Inevitably, red flags do appear as you spend more time with him, and on a few occasions, you had already fallen for him by the time you learned of his deceit.

You don’t want to have this be your life forever.

It’s exhausting to get excited about a hot guy you met on a dating app, have interesting conversations with him, connecting on similar interests, only to learn that he isn’t capable of taking you seriously weeks later.

These guys perennially crave getting back on dating apps, like they are addicted to them.

Listen, lots of women go through this when they are on dating apps hoping to match with the minority of men that every other woman on the dating app is also trying to match with.

You have endless competition when you are hoping to match with these men.

That being said, you can change your luck with men you desire on dating apps.

The next time you match with one of them on a dating app, don’t be too quick to meet up with him and hook up.

So many women fail with these men when they make it so easy for him to meet up with her soon after they match on a dating app, and hooking up with him in short order.

Don’t do that.

Make him earn it.

Talk to him for a while.

Go out on dates with him where you connect and ask the right questions, but don’t sleep with him so soon.

Granted, with guys like this, getting sex from another woman isn’t difficult.

They normally wouldn’t wait around on a girl who isn’t giving it to him on his time table.

This is where you make yourself so intriguing to him that he is compelled to stick around.

To intrigue him, relate to his passions.

Show unadulterated enthusiasm and a knowledge about them that none of the women who are vying for his attention on dating apps have.

This is where you get to connect with him on a level that none of those other women are.

As an effect, instead of moving on to another woman who would allow him to hook up with her a lot sooner, he sticks around.

He keeps calling you and taking you out on dates.

In doing this, he is investing in you.

Your value to him has risen, far above that of every other woman.

There is a connection and he is okay with investing more of his time and financial wherewithal on exploring it.

A guy with this mindset has the greatest likelihood of falling for you, which opens the door to him wanting to have a serious relationship with you.