At the start, text him every other day.
This way, you give him an opportunity to text you.
It tends to work better when the both of you are putting out the effort to text each other.
Hence, to be on the safe side, try to stick to texting this guy that you met on an online dating site every other day.
This also allows you to give him the impression that you have a life.
Some girls make the mistake of texting a guy that they met on an online dating site multiple times a day because they really like him.
They enjoyed their conversations with the guy on the online dating site and feel the need to text him multiple times a day now that they are texting each other.
This is often a mistake.
Now, there are some cases where this works out.
In these cases, the dynamics of their personalities and chemistry allow for them to text each other multiple times a day without any negative repercussions.
However, for most people, this would not be the right approach.
Normally, when a girl texts a guy that she met on an online dating site multiple times a day, she may give him the impression that she doesn’t have a lot going for her in real life.
He may get the sense that she spends most of her time texting him.
This may also make him worry that the girl is clingy.
When a guy gets the sense that a girl doesn’t have much of a life because she spends so much time texting him multiple times a day, it may turn him off to the fact that he has nothing to look forward to with her.
He is not able to envision how it would be to engage in all kinds of activities with her because she has given him the impression that she doesn’t engage in a whole lot of activities.
If he also gets the sense that she is clingy, he will worry about what it would be like to have her as a girlfriend who must know where he is at all times and who would get mad if he were not to respond to a text from her promptly.
These are some of the worries and thoughts that this guy will have just from the fact that a girl is texting him multiple times a day.
How often that you text a guy that you met on an online dating site should not be something that you take lightly.
A guy is going to observe what you do through texting and he will often use that behavior to judge how you would be as a potential girlfriend.
At the start of your interaction with him, keeping your texts to every other day will show him that he still has to put out the effort to get to know you.
The mistake that girls make when they text a guy that they met on an online dating site multiple times a day is that they take the pressure off the guy too soon.
They become the ones who are chasing the guy.
As a result, the guy may become lazy and choose not to chase the girl because he knows that the girl will just keep texting him multiple times a day.
When a guy doesn’t have the drive to chase a girl, he is most likely not going to remain interested in the girl for very long.
He would not have any reward to really look forward to, being that the girl is making it so easy.
This makes him put out less and less effort with the girl until he loses interest in her entirely.