Ask him a question that is related to something significant that he wrote about on his dating profile.
This is one of the most effective ways that you can open up a conversation with him.
It seamlessly breaks the ice over text.
So, text him and say hello and then proceed to ask him an open-ended question about something significant that he wrote about on his dating profile.
Take a look at his dating profile.
Look for something that he spent a decent amount of time writing about.
You can then ask him an open-ended question about it.
For example, if he wrote with a lot of passion about how much he enjoyed a trip to Europe, you can ask him an open-ended question such as, “What was the best part of your trip to Europe?”
This is a great text that instantly puts him in a happy place in his mind because you would be reminding him about something that he really enjoyed doing.
This kind of happy feeling will often make him want to respond because he would associate that feeling with you as well.
If this guy gave you his number on a dating site, he has indicated that he wants to take communication with you to a different level.
He may feel that this is the best way for him to start getting to know you on a deeper and more personal level.
Hence, when you text him, you should make sure that you are open about yourself and you are consistent in asking him questions about himself.
Try not to make the mistake of being too casual with your texts to him.
This is a mistake that people often make when they start texting.
They may avoid talking about deeper topics because they tend to have more of a casual approach to texting.
You shouldn’t make this mistake.
This is a guy that gave you his number on a dating site for a reason.
If you were to take the texts too casually and choose not to open up or ask him consistent questions about himself, the conversation over text can easily fizzle out in short order and this guy may choose to move on.
Something else that you can say to this guy when you text him is ask a question that relates to something the both of you talked about on the dating site recently.
Just go back to the last conversation that you had with him, which would have been on the dating site.
He may have said something that you would be interested in learning more about.
Perhaps he spoke about a particular hobby or an experience that he recently had.
You can send him a text that asks him a question related to that hobby or experience. This way, you are allowing that conversation to continue through texting and you can get him to further elaborate.
This is also a way to make your text feel relevant.
By continuing on with a conversation that the both of you were already having on the dating site through text, you would be allowing your communication with him to feel more fluid in nature.
From here, the conversation will lead to other areas of interest.
Simply be attentive to what he texts back and make sure that you are taking equal responsibility in keeping the text conversations going.
This will enable the both of you to truly get to know each other in a relaxed and informative manner.