If A Guy Doesn’t Ask A Girl Questions On A Dating Website, Is That Bad?

If A Guy Doesn't Ask A Girl Questions On A Dating Website, Is That Bad?

It is bad.

If he is not asking a girl questions on a dating website, he is not showing much interest in getting to know the girl.

If you have been the one who has been asking all the questions and he has merely been answering them and not much else, you may be dealing with a guy who has very low interest in you.

When a guy doesn’t ask a girl questions on a dating website, he is not showing any curiosity about her.

This means that he may only be interested in seeing how far she wants to take the conversation.

In essence, he is really leaving it all to her to make this work.

He doesn’t want to put in much effort into getting to know her.

He is leaving it to the girl to keep the conversation going.

A guy like this may just not be looking to date any girls at this time.

If this is the case, he is most likely on the dating website just to kill time.

He didn’t join the dating website because he was looking to find a substantive interaction.

He may have joined because he is simply looking for a distraction from his regular life at this time.

Perhaps he just likes to get on the dating website and have random conversations with girls as an escape.

He can do that for a while and then go back to whatever issues that he is dealing with in his real life.

It is bad when a guy doesn’t ask a girl questions on a dating website because he may not be looking at the girl as much of a priority.

He may be talking to other girls on the dating website that have higher priority than the girl does.

Hence, he may be asking those girls questions because he is truly interested in getting to know them.

He expends a lot of his time and energy on those girls because they are at the top of his priority list.

Being that you aren’t high on his priority list, he will not put out that kind of effort with you.

As far as he is concerned, he is taking a break from having to ask questions when he is talking to you.

Since he isn’t too worried about the risk of losing you if he weren’t to ask you questions, he chooses not to.

He spends most of his energy focused on the girls that are of a higher priority status.

He is content with letting you do most of the work when it comes to asking questions and getting to know each other because you are just not that important to him.

It is bad if a guy doesn’t ask a girl questions on a dating website because he could be a guy who prefers that the girl do all of the chasing.

He may be used to girls chasing him.

This may be how his experience has been with girls that he has dated in the real world.

If this is the kind of experience that he has had with girls in the real world, he would expect the same of girls on a dating website.

He would expect that girls that he talks to on a dating website would be the ones to ask all the questions and thereby chase him.

He is in his comfort zone when he has this kind of approach with girls.

This keeps him from having to invest of himself emotionally. This way, he can easily date a girl and then leave her without much difficulty.

Being that she was the one who was asking all the questions and doing all the chasing before they got into a relationship, she was the one that put in all of the emotional investment and he didn’t.

Hence, it is so much easier for him to dump her and move on to the next when he gets bored.

This may be the kind of guy that you are dealing with on the dating website.

If you don’t want to end up being treated like his ex girlfriends, it may be best to stop asking this guy questions and just move on.