Online Dating: How Common Is It To Match With Creepy, Gross Men?

Online Dating: How Common Is It To Match With Creepy, Gross Men?

Women receive far greater matches on dating sites than men do.

With this volume, it’s inevitable that they are matched with a variety of men, some of whom are creepy and gross.

Yes, you have heard the stories.

You must have.

Women complain about creepy men sending penis pics to them or gross men asking for their nudes or underwear photos.

There is no end to what many women encounter when they are online dating.

So, yes, it is common for women to be matched with creepy, gross men.

Many of these men don’t instantly come off as creepy and gross.

Their dating profiles don’t instantly scream, “Stay away from me, I am a creep!”

A woman who reads his dating profile might think him interesting, sharing a number of common interests with him.

No, his dating profile doesn’t emanate those creepy or gross red flags right out of the gate.

It’s once she gets involved in conversation with him that the creepiness and grossness are revealed.

She is getting asked deeply explicit questions that are far too premature.

He is telling her about his sexual prowess without her prompting.

Somehow, he has it in his head that she is bound to be impressed when she learns about his skills in the bedroom.

Surely, this is winning him over to her corner, or so he thinks.

It isn’t.

Her intrigue has been squashed and she is blocking him faster than she has ever blocked anyone in her life.

She moves on, hoping she doesn’t encounter that again.

Alas, she isn’t that lucky.

Lured, yet again, by a dating profile that appeared to be normal and relatable, she has a new conversation with a new guy.

Not long after, he is talking about his sexual fetishes and asking her about hers.


Two creepy and gross men who appeared normal have been blocked within a few short days.

What is this?

Is this what she should expect from online dating?

Weary, but remaining hopeful, ever so slightly, she receives another match and the guy has an interesting dating profile.

Taking a deep breath, she takes the plunge.

To her surprise, he is normal.

The conversations are substantial, fun and informative, with no segues into creepy or gross topics.

To think that someone “normal” has now risen to such a desirable trait for men she meets on dating sites is troubling.

But given her most recent encounters with men, she is relieved that he is indeed “normal.”

She is enthused enough to exchange contact information with him.

Then the bubble bursts.

He sends her an unsolicited picture of his penis and asks her for nudes.


Just when she thought she was making progress with a “normal” guy, she is right back to where she started.

Some women leave online dating altogether on account of the number of creepy and gross men they encounter on dating sites.

It’s not that online dating attracts creepy and gross men.

Online dating attracts everyone.

In attracting everyone, there are bound to be creepy and gross men in the mix.

Online dating provides an avenue to meet people in such volume, real life can never compete.

That’s a good thing, and with every good thing, there are drawbacks.

Creepy and gross men so happen to be one of those.