Online Dating: How To Spot People Who Just Want Attention?

Online Dating: How To Spot People Who Just Want Attention?

It gets tiring to keep getting your hopes up with someone you are talking to on a dating app, and have that person disappear on you while getting to know them, or worse, ghost you after setting up a date with you.

This has happened plenty and you are sick of it.

It has led you to believe that loads of people on dating apps are there to get attention.

You no longer want to be victim to people like this.

It is not that hard to spot people on dating apps who just want attention. For one, her dating profile is filled with photos of her scantily-clad.

Too many guys permit their intimate desires to overtake their reason when they come across a woman’s dating profile that has her in revealing clothing, in several of her photos.

Stop and think when you see a dating profile like this.

Why would a woman who is genuinely looking for a relationship on a dating app, post a bunch of pictures of herself scantily-clad?

It doesn’t happen, unless the woman is seeking attention.

A woman who is looking for a serious relationship is more concerned with posting photos of substance, with her immersed in activities she loves, hoping to make a connection with a romantic prospect who has the same interests.

This is her goal.

Her goal isn’t to get as many guys as possible ogling at her half-naked photos and frothing at the mouth.

So, you should check your excitement whenever you see dating profiles like this.

This is a woman who just wants attention and it does you no good to swipe right on her under the illusion that she would be interested in a relationship.

You are your own worst enemy when you permit your sexual desires to overwhelm your reason.

People who just want attention on dating apps leave clues in their bios to this effect.

Check to see whether she has left links or addresses to her social media accounts. Has she left her Instagram handle or a handle to another social media account?

Be absolutely weary of dating profiles like this.

Too many guys send friend requests to these social media handles.

A good chunk of women who have social media handles on their dating profiles are looking to build their social media following.

It’s about the attention.

She has no interest in getting to know you as a person.

The moment you make a friend request, you are just another follower.

Nothing special.

Merely someone that she has now added to her pool of followers so as to gain greater notoriety and influence.

The crazy thing is, a lot of guys know that something is off when they see dating profiles of women who have numerous photos of themselves scantly-clad or with social media handles included in their bios.

Unfortunately, these men are too thirsty.

They let their innate desires get the best of them, and then find themselves being strung along by the girl, never meeting her in person when it is all said and done.

Don’t be that guy.