Online Dating: Is “Self-Employed” Or “Consultant” As My Job Description A Red Flag To Men?

Online Dating: Is "Self-Employed" Or "Consultant" As My Job Description A Red Flag To Men?

You are worried that stating you are self-employed or a consultant on your dating profile as a job description leaves the impression you don’t have a real job.

Although you are genuinely self-employed and a consultant, you know that men on dating apps who don’t know you personally could have an issue with it.

You have thought about revealing how much you earn yearly to facilitate in assuaging those who are doubtful you make a real living, but you don’t want to get that personal.

Besides, if you were to include that, there are no guarantees they would believe it.

So, you are stuck.

You fear that stating you are self-employed or a consultant negatively affects how men perceive you on a dating app, and yet, that is what you actually do for a living and make a great living from it too.

So far, you haven’t had the best luck matching with men and you are thinking that your job description has something to do with it.

A red flag to men.

It isn’t.

Men aren’t as worried about a job description when looking for a partner as women are.

These men have a criteria for what they are looking for in a woman and her job description isn’t anywhere near the top.

Indeed, he wants a woman who is financially solvent.

He doesn’t want to date a woman he instantly believes would freeload off him and burden him financially.

But that is as far as it goes in terms of her finances.

He doesn’t care about how successful or unsuccessful she is in her career.

As long as she is financially solvent.

Seeing that you are self-employed or a consultant could make him curious as to what you do for a living, but it doesn’t automatically turn him off.

Don’t assume that it does.

Getting your mind so wrapped up on whether it is a red flag to men when you state you are self-employed or a consultant affects how you go about filling the rest of your dating profile.

You proceed to spend a bit too much time trying to explain what it is exactly you do for a living or you are defensive in how you go about describing it.

None of this is beneficial to you.

How well you construct your dating profile is what gets you matches.

Having eye-catching photos and a fun bio is where you get results.

That is where your attention should be, not on what you do for a living.

There is no need to draw further attention to what you do for a living in your dating profile besides stating what you do for a living.

If a guy is curious about it, he will ask you.

You would be surprised at how many men could care less, as long as they get the impression you are financially solvent.

Let that assuage your anxiety in regards to your job description.

Direct your attention on making a fun, eye-catching dating profile.

Men are primarily concerned with whether you are attractive, fun and trustworthy.

Conveying that in your dating profile is what gets matches.