Online Dating: Should I Mention My Physical Flaws?

Online Dating: Should I Mention My Physical Flaws?

You have every intention to be candid about your physical appearance on a dating app.

Yet, you wonder how far to take this.

When you look at your physical flaws, there are a good number of them.

What do you mention on a dating app?

You believe some of your physical flaws are fairly minor, but how do you know what that is?

You are aware that, for some people, hair loss due to alopecia isn’t a big deal, but for others it is.

Do you mention this physical flaw in your dating profile.

For some people, a few fake teeth or dentures isn’t a big deal.

For others, it is.

Do you mention this as a physical flaw?

The thought of mentioning every single physical flaw in your dating profile seems like overkill.

Yet, you worry that in omitting certain physical flaws, you are being disingenuous.

You can imagine the disappointment in a guy’s face when he is greeted with physical flaws he wasn’t expecting upon meeting you on a first date.

You don’t want to waste anyone’s time on a dating app.

Although, as a human being, your natural inclination is to put your best foot forward, you don’t want to do that at the expense of someone else.

You want to be as truthful and transparent as possible.

So, should you mention your physical flaws on your dating profile and if so, how much?

This is a slippery slope.

The thing is, everyone has physical flaws.

To that extent, most decent human beings don’t expect you to have no physical flaws.

Men, like women, are primarily attracted to the face.

When it comes to physical attraction, your face is the area of greatest importance.

Besides this, lots of men have a lot of leeway with a woman’s physicality, as long as she isn’t hiding the fact that she is severely overweight or physically handicapped.

This is great news for you.

It narrows down the area of concern to your face.

What physical flaws do you have on your face?

Think about what you tend to hide the most on your face.

Are you cross-eyed and habitually take photos from a different angle to hide it?

Is your hair thinning, compelling you to wear wigs or hair extensions to hide it?

Are your ears large, causing you to hide them with your hair?

Here is the thing, unless you have a major handicap on your face, you don’t even have to mention the physical flaws on your face.

As long as you post clear and candid photos of yourself without a filter or anything that is covering the facial flaws you tend to hide, your job is done.

He can see your face in your photos and make a judgment on his own.

There is no need for you to spell out that you have thinning hair due to alopecia.

He sees your thinning hair in your photos and has the agency to make a judgment on his own.

The danger of getting too caught up in mentioning your physical flaws is in how it makes you come off as insecure and with low self-esteem.

Let your candid photos speak for themselves, as you direct the bulk of your attention to showcasing your wonderful personality and fun lifestyle.