Online Dating: Should I Travel To See Her?

Online Dating: Should I Travel To See Her?

You may be better off figuring out what kind of relationship you want before deciding on whether you should travel to see her or not.

This is most likely a person that lives far away from you.

Traveling to see her is something that you must stop and think about seriously.

If travel is required for the both of you to see each other, there is a chance that the both of you may get into a long distance relationship.

Long distance relationships can be a real challenge to maintain.

Though you may have met her on an online dating site and you may have really enjoyed your conversations with her, you shouldn’t allow the excitement you feel for her to cloud your judgment.

This is often what people do when they meet someone that they really like on an online dating site who happens to live far away from them.

They tend to focus on how good that person is currently making them feel as opposed to thinking about what the dynamics of a long distance relationship with that person would be like.

If travel is required to see each other, this can create some real complications in a relationship.

Regardless of how good you feel about this girl, ask yourself about whether you are truly ready to get into a long distance relationship.

Divorce yourself of all the excitement that you feel about her for the moment.

Clear your mind.

Now, think about what life would be like if you were to engage in a long distance relationship with her.

Think about the amount of time that would be spent traveling and the logistics involved.

Think about the fact that she will not be around you physically a majority of the time.

Think about how that would affect you when you have moments that you strongly desire human closeness and affection.

Think about how this travel will affect you financially over a sustained period of time.

Think about what it will feel like whenever you are out and about and you notice other couples together holding hands and being affectionate to one another.

Would you be able to handle the sense of disappointment in these moments because you know that your long distance girlfriend isn’t physically there to give you that kind of attention?

Think about how often your friends, colleagues and family will keep asking you about when they are going to meet this girlfriend of yours.

They may not even believe that you have a girlfriend after a while because they may start seeing her as this invisible girl that they have never met.

Think about how these frequent conversations with them will make you feel.

These are all very viable eventualities that need to be thought about before deciding whether you should travel to see this girl.

By traveling to see her, you would be opening up the possibility that a long distance relationship could result out of this.

After all, if it has gotten to the point where you are considering traveling to see her, you have reached a point where you are really liking her.

Consider the ramifications that come with getting into a long distance relationship with this girl that you met on an online dating site.

Again, try not to allow your emotions or excitement about her to cloud your judgment.

Make a realistic assessment of what life would be like if you were to get into a long distance relationship with her.

It is not that long distance relationships can’t work.

Some can.

However, they take a lot of work and unfortunately many people get into them without realizing just how much work is required to maintain them. This is why the majority of long distance relationships fail.

As long as you are fully aware of what you may be about to get yourself into and you are fully accepting of it, traveling to go see her may be a good idea, assuming that you have spent quality time getting to know her beforehand.