No need to volunteer that information without prompting.
If you choose to only talk to them as your preference, that is your choice.
Letting them know that you are only talking to them at the moment insinuates that you expect them to do the same.
If it is still early yet and the both of you have only recently met on an online dating site, you shouldn’t expect this other person to suddenly stop talking to other dating prospects that they meet on the dating site.
That wouldn’t be fair.
A huge advantage of online dating is the opportunity to talk to more dating prospects than you normally would in your day to day life.
This gives you the opportunity to expose yourself to as many dating prospects as you can handle, which in turn provides the best opportunity to find compatible matches.
This is an opportunity that most people take advantage of on dating sites and so they should.
If you aren’t feeling the need to talk to anyone else besides this one person, you should take a moment to analyze and reconsider.
Putting all of your romantic hopes in one match this early isn’t to your advantage.
No matter how promising you believe this person to be, there are no guarantees that this match works out.
To take the next several weeks solely focused on this one person is risky.
If things don’t work out, you are left empty-handed after several weeks of conversation and even dates.
This is an exasperating experience.
You have now lost out on weeks that you could have spent talking to at least one other promising dating prospect on the online dating site.
It’s a wise approach to be talking to a few more people at a time.
Not only does it spread the risk around, it also gives you a better opportunity to truly discover what you want and what works.
Your relationship history has given you the false notion that you are only capable of being attracted to a particular type of person.
How good has that history been?
Surely, there were misfires.
Online dating gives you an opportunity to expand your preferences, giving yourself the opportunity to talk with people that you would have never looked at as a dating prospect in the real world.
Somewhere among these people is someone that could be your perfect match.
They represent characteristics and experiences that you never taught would ever appeal to you and yet, thanks to online dating, they feel right.
It is up to you what you choose to do.
If you still want to keep talking to this one person and no one else this early, that is your prerogative.
Telling them that you are only talking to them at the moment without any prompting from them isn’t beneficial to either one of you.
It is not just about the insinuation that you expect them to do the same, it’s also the danger of giving off the impression that you are someone who gets attached too fast.
The other person worries that your unwillingness to talk to other people on the online dating site means that you are too eager to get serious about someone without the patience to let things develop naturally.
They already feel like you are choosing them for such a relationship when they are still trying to determine whether the both of you are compatible.
This isn’t something you should want them to start worrying about so soon.
They don’t even know your last name yet.
If you choose to only talk to this one person at present and for the foreseeable future, keep that to yourself.
Let the both of you discover one another more.
If the romantic connection is there, a mutual conversation about exclusivity surely follows.