Online Dating: What Does It Really Mean Now That He’s Calling Me Baby?

Online Dating: What Does It Really Mean Now That He's Calling Me Baby?

Now that the conversation has reached a point where he is calling you baby, he is demonstrating a greater level of comfort with you.

The conversations you have had with him on a dating app have been enjoyable and substantive enough that he feels bold or courageous enough to call you baby.

Until now, the conversations have been congenial and respectful.

You were getting in tune with him with each consecutive conversation.

The nature of your conversations have been substantive and lighthearted at the same time.

It has been good.

Yet, you were taken by surprise when he called you baby.

You were taken aback the first time you heard it, but tried not to make too much of it.

Then he called you baby several times afterward.

This is when you realized that he didn’t call you baby the first time by accident.

He called you baby on purpose, being that he has continued doing it.

This isn’t your first rodeo.

You have dated men in the past who have called you baby.

Nevertheless, this is the first time it has happened this quickly with a guy you met on a dating app.

You haven’t slept with this guy.

You are currently in the conversational stage with him.

This is why you are wondering about what this means.

Whenever guys have called you baby in the past, it has been after months of active dating.

It has felt natural.

This is different.

You met him on a dating app and have yet to sleep with him.

So you don’t know what to think about this.

Is it an indication that he is falling for you?

If so, should you be happy or worried?

After all, you only recently met this guy.

These questions are warranted.

I see why you have them.

But, for now, you shouldn’t be too quick to make a judgment on why he is calling you baby.

To keep yourself from drawing the wrong conclusions too soon, don’t call him baby back.

A guy who is calling you baby and has the right intentions isn’t going to expect anything of you.

He is consistent in showing you respect and keeping the conversations lively.

A guy who has the wrong intentions expects you to return the favor by calling him baby too.

When you don’t do it, this is where you set the stage to see whether he has selfish intentions for calling you baby.

When he is goading you to call him baby back, he is showing that he is in a hurry to move his relationship with you in a direction he selfishly wants it to go.

This is when you know that his intentions are selfish in nature and he is about control.

On the flip side, when you don’t see a change in his behavior, and he continues being consistent in how respectful he has been with you, you know that he is sincere.

He never called you baby with the intent on getting you to follow his lead, call him baby, and do as he wants.

Calling you baby came from a sincere place, indicating that he has gotten fond of you.

A guy like this is patient with you, knowing full well that if you reach a point where you are comfortable with him, you will naturally start calling him baby too.