Why Do Men On Dating Apps Tell Me Their Profession Right At The Beginning Of The Conversation?

Why Do Men On Dating Apps Tell Me Their Profession Right At The Beginning Of The Conversation?

These are men who may be trying to impress you right from the very beginning of the conversation on the dating app.

If they have a prestigious profession like a doctor, lawyer, teacher or firefighter, they may feel that letting you know what it is from the very beginning of the conversation will give them the best chance at keeping you interested.

This isn’t uncommon.

Men do this on dating apps and in real life as well.

Again, if they have a prestigious profession, it is often a confidence booster for them when they begin a conversation with a woman by letting her know what they do for a living.

Now, something that is somewhat different from trying to get the attention of a woman in real life is the sheer volume of competition that comes with trying to get the attention of a woman on a dating app.

In real life, a woman may be approached by a few men at a bar or nightclub.

Perhaps a handful or a little more, depending on how popular or packed the bar or nightclub is.

This may make these men feel like they have a chance with her because the amount of competition isn’t all that much.

However, on dating apps, the sheer volume of men who message women or compete to get their attention is multiplied into the thousands.

It is a completely different ball game from the bar or nightclub competition.

Women on dating apps receive way more attention from men than anything that they would experience in real life.

As a result, men who have prestigious professions already know that they have their work cut out for them.

They have to find a way to get your attention as a woman, amid all of the other text messages and interest signals that you are getting from other men on the dating app.

Hence, they go back to the tried and true method that they have used whenever they have approached an attractive woman at a bar or nightclub.

They tell the woman about their profession at the beginning of the conversation.

They know that the woman’s attention is divided among many men on a dating app.

As a result, they believe that if they don’t begin the conversation with something that will hopefully impress the woman, as it has done in moments when they have approached women at a bar or nightclub, the woman will probably not even bother to read the entire message.

Hence, they feel the need to try to hook you from the very beginning of the conversation in the hopes that they can sequester your attention and keep you from being distracted by the other men who are messaging you.

Again, competition on dating apps for a woman’s attention is fierce.

Women get far more messages on dating apps than men do.

It is not even close.

These men hope that using this strategy will work with you, just as it has for them when they have used it on women that they have met at a bar or nightclub in real life.