Guys don’t receive anywhere near the number of matches women receive on dating apps.
To offset this, he plays the numbers game.
By using 2-5 dating apps at a time, he increases the odds that he gets a greater number of matches.
Guys like this didn’t have much success with getting matches on any one dating app.
So he mixes it up by using 2-5 dating apps at a time.
Unfortunately, a lot of these men are lazy.
He doesn’t change his strategy with each dating app he signs up on.
He uses the same photos, the same bio, and the same approach in how he messages women.
This means that he doesn’t take full advantage of having multiple accounts on multiple dating apps.
He is using identical dating profiles hoping that he gets better results.
Here and there, he receives a match or two, but overall, he continues to struggle to receive matches on each dating app he has signed up on.
You have run across these dating profiles.
The funny thing is, you have had conversations with some of these men on different dating apps.
He doesn’t remember that he has talked to you on a different dating app in the past.
Then you receive a message from him and it feels so familiar.
It’s the same dribble that turned you off of him in the past.
This has you irritated.
Why go through the trouble of signing up on 2-5 dating apps at a time without changing something up?
The same dating profile, photos and messages.
You are sick of it.
It feels like you are cursed to keep running into these men no matter what dating app you choose to use.
On your end, you use one dating app at a time.
You can’t imagine what it is like to be using so many dating apps at a time.
It’s hard enough for you to keep up with the messages and interest signals you receive whenever you are on a single dating app.
I see your frustration.
It gets old having to tussle with these men, who are making the exact same mistakes, no matter what dating app he is signed up on.
The thing is, this is a method that lots of guys use in the online dating world.
As aforementioned, men don’t receive anywhere near as many matches on dating apps as women do.
Lots of these men are already making major mistakes on one dating app, before signing up on multiple dating apps.
That being said, instead of working on bettering his dating profile and how he goes about messaging women on one dating app, he decides to sign up on multiple dating apps.
These are guys who don’t want to put in the work on improving their strategy.
Too lazy to make corrections, he chooses to sign up on multiple dating apps to remedy his dearth of matches.
He is playing the numbers game, which is why he keeps getting the same mediocre results.
It’s like the old adage, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”