He doesn’t want to deal with the emotions that he is experiencing as a result of the fight.
He may not necessarily look at this as being a cheater.
Guys often have a hard time dealing with their emotions.
Oftentimes, instead of dealing with them, they look for a distraction.
By going on dating sites when you both fight, he is trying to give himself a distraction from what just happened.
As far as he is concerned, he is not a cheater.
He just doesn’t want to think about it.
He doesn’t want to analyze it.
He just wants to forget about it for now.
By going on dating sites when you both fight, he is reacting emotionally to the fight.
He knows that he doesn’t really know how to express himself to you at this time.
He doesn’t quite know how to put what he is feeling into words.
Being that he is a guy who has a hard time expressing his feelings, he really wouldn’t know where to start.
By going on dating sites, he gets some relief from all of it.
He gets to distract himself with browsing through dating profiles.
He may not believe he is cheating by doing all of this.
He may even believe that he is justified in going on dating sites.
After all, in his mind, you are the cause of the fight.
You are the person who has made him feel all these bitter and overwhelming feelings.
Hence, in his mind, you are the one at fault for him going on dating sites.
Another reason why he goes on dating sites when you both fight may be because he truly believes that he is done with the relationship.
As far as he is concerned, he is just fed up with all these fights.
Hence, he has told himself that this is the last fight.
He is not going to do anymore fighting because he has given you enough chances.
With this in mind, he goes on dating sites whenever you both fight.
This is an emotional reaction as well.
He just gets fed up that these fights keep happening and he has a knee-jerk reaction to go on dating sites.
Even though he tends to go on dating sites when you both fight, the both of you always end up back together.
This means that there is a connection to you that he is unwilling to let go of.
Hence, he may tell himself that the relationship is over whenever the both of your fight, but in the end, he can’t help but come back to you.
He is emotionally connected to you, not to the people that he may be trying to interact with on dating sites.
Even when a guy believes that he has ended a relationship, he may still be emotionally tied to the girlfriend.
This is often why guys tend to come back to their previous relationships.
Hence, being that his original frame of thinking was that the relationship was over, he wouldn’t believe himself to be a cheater by going on dating sites.
Again, he has justified this act by telling himself that this is the last time he will fight with you and that he is done with the relationship.
However, after a little while on the dating sites, he can’t help but want to come back to you because you are where his emotions are.