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If He Hasn’t Broken Up With Me, Why Is He Searching Dating Sites?

If He Hasn't Broken Up With Me, Why Is He Searching Dating Sites?

Even though he may not have broken up with you, he is curious as to what else is out there.

He may be searching dating sites in a quest to find a quality that he is looking for in a romantic partner that you do not have.

He does like other qualities about you, but there may be something missing.

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Guys Never Ask Me Out, Even On Dating Sites?

Guys Never Ask Me Out, Even On Dating Sites?

If you have had trouble getting guys to ask you out in the real world, there is a chance that you will have the same problem on dating sites, if your issue is really apparent.

This is why you really need to think about your experiences with guys in the real world and ask yourself about what recurring themes there may be.

In other words, can you think of a repeated critique that guys that you were hoping would ask you out in the real world have given you about yourself?

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Why Do Girls On Dating Sites Ignore Guys, Even When They Match Together?

Why Do Girls On Dating Sites Ignore Guys, Even When They Match Together?

They don’t believe that those guys are a good match for them.

Though dating sites may match you with girls, that doesn’t mean that the girls will feel that you are a true match for them.

Indeed, the matchmaking algorithm may have matched you with girls that were seemingly compatible to you, based on the information that the matchmaking algorithm gathered from your dating profile, but the girls may not agree with that assessment.

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