If you have encountered this in the past or fear encountering it, you should always make sure that any first date that you agree to with someone from an online dating site should be as uncomplicated as possible and easy to cut short.
You could even get into the habit of telling your date that it may be best to meet up for a quick five to ten minutes at a public park or courtyard just to see if there is any chemistry and then the both of you can proceed from there.
There is nothing wrong with doing this.
It helps tremendously in keeping you from constantly finding yourself in a position where you are now meeting this person on your first date and you instantly know, the moment that you see them or have an initial conversational exchange with them, that they are simply not your type and just won’t work.
Again, either agree to a very uncomplicated meet-up such as a quick coffee so that you have a quick and easy exit or just tell your date to first meet up with you somewhere convenient such as a public park or courtyard for a few minutes just for a quick real life exchange to see whether the chemistry is there.
Now, if you have done neither of these things and find yourself in a situation where you are at a protracted date with this person, possibly something like a dinner, you are clearly in a predicament.
You already know that this person is an absolute “no” and yet here you are.
You are essentially going to be stuck at this establishment perhaps for the better part of two or more hours and you already know that nothing will change the fact that this person is just not your type.
Perhaps they look different in real life from what you saw in their pictures on the dating site.
Perhaps they are just too awkward in how they go about communicating.
It may even have to do with how they are dressed or their lack of swagger.
Regardless of the reason why you have quickly come to the conclusion that this person is simply not a fit for you, you are still stuck in your current predicament at this establishment that could eat up a good chunk of your precious time to no avail.
When you know that it is a “no” immediately, it is best to let your date know that.
Yes, you are worried about coming off as rude or inconsiderate.
After all, you both seemingly hit it off well enough on the dating site.
However, the dating site is one thing.
Reality is another.
If you decide to stay at the date, not only will you be miserable, but you will also be wasting the other person’s time and money, if they are paying for the date.
That would be a much worse scenario than kindly telling your date that you appreciate their coming out on this date but unfortunately, you don’t believe that the both of you are a compatible match.
Yes, it will sting at first.
But, your date can take it.
It is so much better to be up front and honest with your date than to mislead them into thinking that they have a chance with you by going ahead and partaking on that date for its duration.
Again, you would only be making yourself miserable and misleading your date.
Although your date may feel a sting for a few brief moments, they will actually come to appreciate your polite, yet honest approach.
You may even be surprised at how nice they are to you, after the initial sting of the bad news has worn off or settled.
Most men appreciate straightforward honesty.
If you give most men a choice, they would rather a woman be straightforward and honest with them about how she really feels as opposed to being led on.
Let him know how you feel in as polite a manner as you can.
You will both be glad that you did.