Online Dating: When To Ask The Guy Out On A Date?

Online Dating: When To Ask The Guy Out On A Date?

When you like a guy, you are accustomed to asking him out on a date quickly.

You don’t require weeks of conversation to figure out whether you want to go out on a date with him.

Now that you are signing up on a dating app, you are wondering whether you can adopt the same approach.

The last thing you want is to be stuck on a dating app chatting with a guy you like for weeks on end, waiting for the right moment to ask him out on a date.

You would much rather chat a few times, get a vibe for whether you are connecting with him, and quickly move to asking him out on a date.

Here is the good news.

Guys on dating apps want to meet a girl quickly.

You would be doing him a favor in asking him out on a date so soon.

It’s no secret that guys on dating apps don’t get anywhere near as many matches as girls do.

This means that he doesn’t get anywhere as many opportunities to chat with a girl and consequently ask her out on a date if they hit it off.

To add insult to injury, when he does get to ask a girl out on a date, it isn’t a given that she agrees to it.

Then there are those who agree to the date, but end up canceling or not showing up.

The fact that you are a girl who takes it upon herself to ask a guy out is uncommon, but welcome.

On top of this, you do so quickly, which makes you a godsend.

A guy on a dating app isn’t accustomed to a girl taking the initiative to ask him out on a date, let alone doing it so soon after getting matched.

So you don’t have to worry about when it is appropriate to ask a guy out on a date on a dating app.

Guys would much rather meet sooner rather than later.

The main reason why they don’t ask a girl out on a date sooner is out of the fear that the girl would be turned off by him asking her out so quickly after matching.

The appropriate time to ask him out on a date is once you have gotten a good idea on whether you are connecting with his personality.

This is quickly established within one to three conversations.

Given your history, you shouldn’t wait much longer than this.

Guys on dating apps are going to be very cautious about asking you out too soon.

Remember, in the world of dating, you are a unicorn.

He doesn’t know that you are someone who wants to meet up so fast.

He is assuming that you are like most girls he matches with on dating apps who expects to chat for a sizable number of days or weeks before getting asked out on a date.

If you were to wait on him to ask you out on a date, you run the risk of getting bored as an ongoing conversation stretches out for far too long in comparison to what you are used to in your dating history.